  • La Reina Del Taco: Stef Soto, Taco Queen

La Reina Del Taco: Stef Soto, Taco Queen

$ 6.99

Estefania "Stef" Soto just wants to be a typical seventh grader. She wants to have friends, be accepted, and have some independence from her overprotective immigrant parents. Stef knows very well that she cannot take the bus to school, because her parents consider it too dangerous. Her daddy insists on picking her up every day in his old taco truck named Tia Perla. Every day he asks, "Did you learn anything?" and then they look for a place to park the truck and her father works while Stef does her schoolwork.

Deep down, Stef is proud of her parents and knows they are working hard to provide for her, but at the same time she also resents the ease with which some of her classmates, especially Julia, get things like tickets to the Vivian Vega concert. Even if she could get the money for the tickets, she's sure her parents would never let her go.

This story highlights a family narrator, loyal friends, and responsible parents who work hard and struggle to get ahead. A tender and charming novel about family, friends, and how it is possible to find your voice even wrapped in a taco tortilla. Written by Jennifer Torres. Paperback; 176 pages.
